
BEWARE! New Facebook phishing scam: "Your profile pic on some website..."
Recently the occurrence of this phishing scam has become more and more of a problem on Facebook. This exact occurrence started on Myspace and has taken over Facebook in the last couple of months.
BE AWARE. Do not follow this link or try to login with your Facebook login info. They can trace personal information about you in this way. You will then without knowing post the same type of message on all of your friends' walls and so the message spreads. Computers called Spiders logs onto your profile and does this. The only way to stop this internet virus is to be aware of it and to spread the awareness. After that make sure that you change your Facebook login info (password).
So please send an invite to ALL your Facebook friends to join this group and help in stopping the spread of this irritation. You are also welcome to message me about information on this topic. Also be sure to know about things like phishing for future use of the internet. Read up on it, get an anti-virus with anti-phishing, don't save too much info about yourself on your browser, rather not use Auto-fill and delete cookies on a normal basis.
Be aware and be internet safe!
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